Our Experience

The rights of injured people have open access to our courts are constantly being threatened. Our goal is to make sure our clients’ voices continue to be heard at the highest levels of government, business, and industry.

Owen & Associates actively participates in political and social causes with prominent and respected lawmakers, leaders of the government and industry, artists, Hollywood and other influential people.

We believe hardworking, aggressive advocacy is critical to help protect the rights of us all to have our grievances judges fairly and quickly.

It is often difficult to know where to turn for the best legal help when tragedy hits your family. Owen & Associates has guided thousands of people down the road to successful recoveries for their damages.

We have paced that road with a dogged determination to fight for our clients’ interests.

From the state house to the boardroom to the courthouse,…we are on your side.

Recovering from a tragedy is hard work. Finding justice after such a tragedy can be difficult and costly. Owen & Associates works for our clients on a contingency fee bias. This means we handle all of the expenses required for our team to prepare and present your best case. Clients pay no up-front costs, attorney fees, or expenses unless and until a recovery is made.

While you move on with your life, Owen & Associates carries on with your fight.

  • December 2, 2015

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Your Success

Case Type Settlement
18-Wheeler Accident $ 2,475,000
Tire Failure/Vehicle Rollover $ 1,000,000
Tire Failure/Vehicle Rollover $ 3,075,000
Plane Crash $ 1,000,000
Trucking Negligence $ 500,000
Tire Failure/Vehicle Rollover $ 8,000,000
Vehicle Rollover/Roof Crush $ 2,500,000
Vehicle Rollover/Seat Belt Failure $ 2,250,000
Tire Failure/Vehicle Rollover $ 5,000,000
Vehicle Rollover $ 6,000,000
Oil Products Explosion $ 13,000,000
Pipeline Explosion $ 1,700,000
Construction Gas Explosion $ 6,000,000
Tire Failure $ 2,000,000
Vehicle Rollover $ 10,000,000
Electrocution $ 1,650,000
Oil Field Explosion $ 2,500,000
Tire Detread $ 2,175,000
Tire Detread $ 4,000,000
Fuel System Defect $ 4,500,000